Translation & Interpretation AAS

Degree is intended to prepare functionally bilingual students for employment as interpreters and/or translators. Upon completion, students will be able to provide basic interpreting and translation services between English and their other language(s). This degree focuses on further developing general skills necessary for translators and interpreters. Read about this program’s learning outcomes (PLOs).

Prerequisites – Provide evidence of proficiency in English with one of the following:

  • Completion of ENG 1021 or higher with a C or higher.
  • Other evidence demonstrating English proficiency may be approved by the program Chair.
  • Provide evidence of proficiency in a second language with one of the following:
  • Evidence of completion of high school in a country where the language is spoken.
  • Completion of a college minor in the second language with a minimum grade of “C” for all courses taken in the second language.
  • Other evidence demonstrating proficiency in a second language may be approved by the program Chair.
  • Prospective candidates can contact the Department Chair, 303-360-4828 for additional information.

Degree Requirements: 61

Phone Number:: (303) 361-7428

Email: [email protected]