Student Complaint Process For Academic Affairs

The Community College of Aurora is committed to you and your success. We understand that you can have concerns about issues related to grades, deadlines, course materials, course assignments, interpersonal relations, or feedback. The college has a Student Complaint Process that you can use to share those concerns and participate in the creation of a culture that supports your success.


Refer a Concern or Incident

You should use the official online report forms posted at in the Refer a Concern or Incident section linked at the bottom of the college website for complaints about harassment; sexual harassment or misconduct; domestic or dating violence; stalking; discrimination; civil rights or retaliation; or other types of crimes not mentioned here; CARE (Mental Health/Behavior); or Code of Conduct.

These are the steps of the Student Complaint Process that you should follow:


Look for an informal resolution for the problem/concern:

  • Contact those involved in the problem/concern as soon as possible
  • Make a decision on the best way to contact that person: in person or via email
  • If you decide to do it via email, use your CCA email account or D2L email [D2L is an intranet for the courses that does not allow communications to/from email addresses outside of it]


If you feel that a resolution was not achieved during that informal approach, the problem persists, or you just do not feel comfortable talking to your instructor, contact the department Chair or the Dean ( if your instructor is the department Chair) as soon as possible. You will receive a reply and/or information within a 2-week period.

  • Prepare the conversation. Gather whatever information you think will be useful. The Chair / Dean may ask you for it.
  • Based on the nature of the concern, the Chair / Dean may need to reach out to the other person/people involved to gather more information and make an informed decision.
  • If appropriate, the Chair / Dean will share the decision with you and the other person/people involved.


If the concern persists, you can file an official report. You will use the official Student Complaint form. This form is posted at the bottom of the college homepage under Refer a Concern or Incident. Your official complaint will be directed to the Associate Dean of the School where the course is housed.

  • The Associate Dean will seek a resolution according to existing college guidelines and officially recommend a final decision.
  • If the faculty involved is the department Chair, the Associated Dean will redirect the complaint to the Dean.