Workforce Training

Students with previous work-based training (see Military Credits for military based credit) may earn credit for their prior training experiences. Review the standard American Council on Education (ACE) guide, the National College Credit Recommendations Service, and the CCA PLA Credit Crosswalk to determine which, if any, of their previous work-based training has been mapped to college credit.

Once you have identified your Workforce Credit options, please complete the CCA PLA Request form and submit your completed form via mail or in person to the CCA Credentials Evaluator at the address below. You must also request that the agency issuing your required support documentation send those items directly to that same office at:

Credentials Evaluator

CentreTech Campus
16000 E. CentreTech Pkwy
Aurora, CO 80011

Credentials Evaluator will process the request within 30 days

The Credentials Evaluator will process the request within 30 days of receipt of the completed form and required documents, and will add the approved credits to your transcript unless additional information is needed in which case you will be contacted for follow-up. For questions about credentials submission, you may contact the CCA Credentials Evaluator at [email protected].