Elementary Education AA

Program is designed for students wanting to complete the first 2 years of a bachelor’s degree at the community college and transfer to a university to complete a BA with licensure in Elementary Teacher Education. Elementary Teacher careers require a bachelor’s degree. The Associate of Arts degree with an emphasis in Elementary* Education prepares students to transfer as a junior to a four-year institution in Colorado in order to become an elementary teacher. Students interested in majoring in education need to identify the four-year college/university to which they plan to transfer. Each individual institution requires different curriculum electives for graduation. *There are no current statewide articulation agreements in secondary or K-12 education, but students can still effectively pursue these options.
To complete the AA graduation requirements, students who have completed or are currently enrolled in courses that will total the first 41 credits will consult a specific teacher education program and be advised on the final 19 credits guaranteed to transfer.
Degree Requirements: 60
Phone Number:: (303) 361-7428
Email: [email protected]