Business: Real Estate Certificate
The Business Department’s Real Estate Certificate introduces the knowledge you need to understand the real estate business, and the knowledge to become a real estate broker. Classes provide information on real estate law and practice, practical application, and current legal issues related to the field. You will obtain the education required to earn your Colorado Real Estate Broker’s License. If you are currently in the business world, or are looking to transitioning into business, this certificate will provide you with a foundation in real estate law. Whether you want to advance in your career or move in a new direction, the Community College of Aurora can provide you with the courses to help you develop as a business professional.
Please Note: This Program is Not Eligible for Financial Aid.
Real Estate Certificate Requirements: 12
Phone Number:: 303-360-4700
Email: [email protected]
Program Level Outcomes (PLOs)
Statements which articulate, in measurable terms, what students should know and be able to demonstrate as a result of and at the conclusion of a program. PLOs communicate program goals explicitly and foster transfer of responsibility for learning from faculty to students.
A student who obtains a Real Estate certificate from the Community College of Aurora will demonstrate the following abilities:
– Apply knowledge of the state real estate laws.