On July 1, 2024, the Community College of Aurora (CCA) will unveil the brand new MyCCA portal. Students, faculty and staff will have access to the resources, links and documents they have in the current version of MyCCA, but the site will look much different.
When users login to the portal for the first time, they will be greeted by several “cards.” Each of these cards contains links to important resources such as D2L, Student Links, Employee resources and more.
The idea behind the new design was to make the portable more customizable, with users having more say-so on how their own home page looks.
Portal administrators have the ability to “pin” or “lock” cards on users home pages, but many cards can be rearranged, and moved around on the users home page, giving the users the ability to access information quickly in the area they want it. Similarly, users can “pin” cards they frequently use to their home page.
Users will login to the new portal using their S-numbers. Though some cards are locked, and can’t be re-arranged, portal administrators suggest customizing the cards that can be moved.
Where can I access this new portal?
Users will have the ability to begin using the new portal starting on July 1. After logging into MyCCA, users will find a link labeled “Try the new MyCCA!” at the top of the main page.
There, users can click the link, log into the new portal, and begin familiarizing themselves with the new features.
Users will find a welcome message, as well as a handy instructional video laying out the basics of the new portal and how to use it.
The current version of the MyCCA portal is going away.
CCA is not alone in this endeavor. All 13 schools within the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) are undergoing similar changes to their portals. For more than a year, colleges in the system have gathered to share ideas and strategies to make the transition from previous portals to new ones as seamless as possible.
Though the new portal will be available for people to use on July 1, CCCS as well as Ellucian, the service provider of these portals, will be fine tuning and making adjustments throughout the year.
At the end of 2024, the old version of MyCCA will go away entirely. All users will need to migrate to the new version of the portal to have access to the important information they will need as a student or employee of CCA.
Be sure to click the link on MyCCA on July 1, to try all of the new features!