Alumni in Action: Elizabeth Lo

Alumni in Action: Elizabeth Lo

Elizabeth Lo studied Political Science at CCA before transferring to complete her bachelor’s eventually becoming a lobbyist for the private and public sector. Elizabeth reflects on her time at CCA and how her experiences helped her continue her passion for politics and government.


Video by: Dept of Strategic Communications

Elizabeth Lo spends her days at work impacting the political landscape in Colorado. As a lobbyist, she advocates for her clients by working with legislators to enact laws and policies that will help further their causes.

“The best part is just meeting with our clients and learning more about actual industries,” Lo says. Lo has worked on both sides of the legislative process. As a Colorado senate staffer, she worked with legislators. But, she says, it’s understanding the work that goes into advocating for legal change that has had the most impact on her.

Lo credits an AP teacher for inspiring her career in politics. “He just sparked an interest in how the government worked and the behind-the-scenes of things that we don’t think about normally.”

Once she decided politics would be her life’s work, she solidified her journey by enrolling in the Community College of Aurora, where she graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in Political Science. It wasn’t her first time at the school. Lo earned college credit as a high school student as a participant in the ASCENT scholarship program, which helped her go on to finish her Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Colorado – Denver (CU Denver).

She says ASCENT provided an excellent way to earn college credit and help pay for college tuition.

“I continued studying political science there, and they had a great program. I was able to do an internship at the Capitol, and it kind of jump-started where I am now.”

Lo recalls the guidance and instruction she received from CCA, calling it a high-quality option for someone pursuing a college education. The college’s diversity and encouraging approach to understanding different perspectives had a major impact on her.

Through class projects and heightened awareness of others’ lived experiences, she says it shaped her into the person she would become.

Finding the right fit for her was important. While many of her friends opted for four-year universities straight out of high school, she says it was her mom who encouraged her to look at community college.

“I kind of wanted to go where my friends were going, but I found out some other friends were also doing this, and it was a great fit for me.”

And she’s glad she chose that path. Her experience even showed her that community college doesn’t have to be a stepping-stone. She says she sees the value in making it the last stop on someone’s college journey.

“You might start here and then transfer out, but even CCA as an end-point is a really phenomenal educational opportunity for anybody. And I would just encourage people to look into it.”

CCA’s degrees and certificates offer many people the opportunity to enhance their education, prepare for transfer to four-year schools, but also receive training that can put them in well-paying careers. The school’s focus on advancing social and economic mobility is a clear win for alumni like Lo.

“If somebody were considering coming to CCA, I would highly encourage it. They have so much to look forward to here. There’s so much to offer at CCA. You’ll meet so many new friends. You’ll get a phenomenal education.”

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