Fact Sheet

The Community College of Aurora (CCA) is a two-year public, open access institution in Aurora, Colorado and is one of 13 community colleges in the Colorado Community College System. The college was founded in 1983. The school of choice for nearly 11,129 students representing over 60 countries, CCA’s service area includes nearly 689,400 residents in Arapahoe, Adams, and Denver counties, and its student population reflects the broad diversity of this area. The college offers 72 degrees and certificate programs for students seeking to enhance their current skill set, pursue employment, or transfer to a four-year college or university upon graduation.

View the latest fact sheet HERE!

Enrollment for AY 2022-2023 (Head Count)

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College Students


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Concurrent Enrollment Students


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Concurrent Enrollment

CCA serves 6,253 concurrent enrollment students annually through active partnerships with around 59 high schools, including public and charter schools. The three major school districts we serve are below.

  • Aurora Public Schools
  • Cherry Creek School District
  • Denver Public Schools

Diversity for AY 2022-2023

CCA students come from five continents and more than 60 countries.

  • African American: 20.4%
  • American Indian/Alaskan Native: 1.3%
  • Asian or Pacific Islander: 9.4%
  • Hispanic – Other: 36.1%
  • White Non-Hispanic: 28.4%
  • Unknown/Not Reported: 4.4%

Average Class Size for AY 2022-2023

  • Number of Classes: 2,717
  • Average Class Size: 13.9


  • Full-Time Faculty: 59
  • Instructors: 151
  • Student to Instructor Ratio: 13:1

Cost of Tuition per 3-Credit Course for 2023-2024

In State:  $492.60*
Out of State: $2,021.70

*Tuition cost after Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) is applied. Colorado residents are eligible for COF which deducts $348 per 3-credit course.

Outcomes for 2022 Graduates

  • 96.1% percent of 2022 CCA Graduate Survey respondents had some level of agreement that CCA helped them meet their education goals.
  • 93.8% percent of 2022 CCA Graduate Survey respondents had agreed that CCA provided them with a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Source: 2023 VE-135 Graduate Follow-up Survey (2021-2022 Graduates)

Academic Programs

CCA offers 47 associate degrees and 25 certificates. Of the associate degrees, 18 are degrees with designation that allow students to transfer to a public Colorado college or university as a junior in that field.

Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways is a framework to work with students via specific goal-planning and holistic services to increase retention, persistence, and completion. It follows four principles: 1) create a clearly defined path toward a degree/certificate; 2) provide assistance to students to choose their best path; 3) use wraparound services to keep students on the path; and 4) ensure student learning.

  • Communication & Languages
  • Creative Industries
  • Health
  • People, Societies & Ideas
  • Professional Studies & Public Service
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Top Four-Year Transfer Schools for CCA Students

  • Metropolitan State University of Denver
  • University of Colorado – Denver
  • Colorado State University
  • University of Colorado – Boulder
  • University of Northern Colorado


CCA and the CCA Foundation provide over $887,000 a year in scholarships. Provided on a first-come, first-served basis, the college’s Institutional Scholarships require a paper application and target specific populations of students. The CCA Foundation uses one on-line application for its more than 70 scholarship programs. First-year students, returning students, students from every career pathway – there is a scholarship for you. Have questions? Contact [email protected]. A link to each scholarship application can be found at: www.ccaurora.edu/scholarships