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Commencement 2024 Recap

CCA capped its 40th anniversary with a celebration of the hard work and dedication of its students with the annual commencement ceremony on May 4, 2024. Hundreds of graduates, were joined in support by their friends and family to mark the momentous occasion. Congratulations, 2024 graduates, and good luck on all your future endeavors!



Commencement Replay

Relive the 2024 CCA commencement ceremony here with a full replay of the day’s events. Share the moment with friends and family who may not have had a chance to be there in person!

2024 Graduates Reflect on Their Time at CCA

The CCA Class of 2024 reflect on their experiences at CCA and the faculty, staff, friends and family that helped them along the way.

Cultural Graduation

“They are uplifting their cultural heritage in a space where we can celebrate their success.” – Marco Vasquez

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CCA’s Cultural Graduation recognizes the diversity that makes the college so special with a special ceremony the week before Commencement. Students come together to share their unique backgrounds, and recognize the impact identity plays on their academic success.

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Click the link to read more about Cultural Graduation, and what makes the event so special.