‘Colorado Promise’ Eases College Costs, Reimbursing Some Students for First Two Years of School

Aurora, Colo. – A new Colorado law aims to help ease the cost of college for Colorado students by offering a tax reimbursement for students for their first two years of college. Colorado Promise: Two Free Years of College Expanded was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis in May and will kick-in for students beginning this fall. 

Students who attend public institutions in Colorado, and whose household makes less than $90,000 will be eligible for a complete reimbursement of any out-of-pocket tuition and fees paid for their education.This program applies to community colleges, technical schools and four year universities. 

Students must fulfill certain requirements to receive the reimbursement, including:

  • Filling out a FAFSA or CASFA
  • Having graduated high school in Colorado within the last two years
  • Be enrolled in at least six credit hours at a Colorado public college
  • Maintaining a 2.5 GPA or higher 

Students must file their taxes by April 6, 2026 in order to receive the reimbursement on their return. 

Community College of Aurora’s Director of Financial Aid, Elizabeth Gallegos emphasized how money will be paid out, saying students will still need to initially pay for tuition and fees on their own, but after completing the requirements, they will see the amount not covered by grants and financial assistance paid back on their taxes. 

“It’s a great program because you’re coming out of this with lesser debt. You’re able to get your education to move into that workforce, and thinking about debt-to-income ratios, and thinking about where you’re starting, where can you just start making money,” Gallegos said. 

Leaders recognize this as a unique opportunity to help get students started on their professional career, or transfer journeys with no debt, and say that helps fulfill the goal of achieving social and economic mobility. 

Community College of Aurora’s Vice President of Academic Success, Dr. Bobby Pace says this particular law expands the access to assistance by not focusing on any particular program or academic pathway, unlike some other tuition assistance programs. Because it applies to all degree programs and areas of study, many more students will benefit from it. 

“It doesn’t matter what program you’re enrolled in. And that’s the really cool thing,” Dr. Pace says. “It’s going to be an impactful opportunity to allow students to go full time with a complete reimbursement of their educational costs.”

The program starts this fall, and runs through 2032. To learn more about CCA, and begin your own academic journey, click HERE

About the Community College of Aurora:

The Community College of Aurora (CCA) provides high-quality instruction and student support services to Aurora and Denver, Colorado. With a vision to aspire to be a college where every student succeeds, CCA is the most diverse college in the State of Colorado. Focused on creating social and economic mobility for its students, the college offers courses on two (2) campuses, online, and through its high school concurrent-enrollment programs. For more information, visit www.ccaurora.edu.


Courtney Butler
Director of Strategic Communications and Special Initiatives
Strategic Communications and Alumni Engagement

P: 303-340-7201   |  E: courtney.butler@ccaurora.edu