Unique Student Populations

The Community College of Aurora (CCA) is an open-door institution, which welcomes all students to attend. Here you will find helpful resources for unique student populations.

Parenting Students

Over 35% of all CCA students identify as parenting students. We acknowledge the responsibilities involved in being both a student and a parent and value the experiences and skills you bring to our community. We have developed intentional 2Gen services to support your academic and personal success and are here to help you start strong at the Community College of Aurora.

Who qualified as a parenting student?

The term “parenting student” acknowledges that students who have children commonly identify first and foremost as parents, prioritizing their kid’s wellbeing and care over their classes, homework, jobs, and other non-parenting responsibilities – Wellesley Centers for Women.

Students With Disabilities

We are made up of a rich and diverse student body that reflects a wide array of i identities, including, but not limited to individuals who have physical disabilities, sensory disabilities, cognitive disabilities, invisible disabilities, developmental disabilities, or are Neurodivergent.

CCA proudly supports and provides accommodations to roughly 180 students through creating a learning environment that promotes self-advocacy. This is not inclusive of individuals who have not sought out services at CCA or are receiving support outside of CCA. We strive to provide services through compassion, empathy, and inclusivity, and welcome all to our beautiful community.